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1. 申请资格是什么?

你的绿色之旅 SolarShare的革命很简单. 这需要做些什么:

1. You need to be a Senoko Energy customer on either Fixed Rate or DOT (Discount Off Tariff) plans to enjoy this service. Please note that the following groups of customers are not eligible for SolarShare at the moment.

a. 家庭客户使用IGS电表

b. 商业客户对燃料指数、批发价格或混合价格方案

2. You need to have a Smart Meter/AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) installed at your premises.

a. Household customers with SRLP/Cumulative meters can contact us to have smart meters installed at $43.60(包括. 销售税)

b. 网站网址的商业客户已经配备了智能电表

3. 您必须订阅SolarShare才能进入交易平台.

a. Household customers can subscribe to SolarShare as a Value-Added-Service via your mobile app or online customer portal from 1 November 2023 onwards

b. 业务 customers can simply contact your dedicated Account Manager to find out more or email solarshare@mumalake.com 这样做


2. 如何成为SolarShare的卖家/产消者?

有屋顶的企业 太阳能电池板本地,并希望最大化您的太阳能投资,请联系 我们在 solarshare@mumalake.com. 请向我们提供以下资料,以便进行资格审查:

§  太阳能电池板发电能力

§  过去2个月的电费 账单

在 通过资格检查,您将在7年内获得SolarShare的访问权限 工作日.

为 拥有屋顶太阳能电池板的房主希望最大限度地利用太阳能 投资, you can either choose to (a) install a generation meter and sell your excess solar electricity back to the grid or (b) sign up for 绿色的圆圈 服务而不是.


3. 如何成为SolarShare的买家/消费者?

Households or 业务es without a rooftop can purchase locally-produced solar energy at your preferred green energy price via SolarShare as long as you meet the eligibility criteria above. 

4. 如何在SolarShare上销售绿色能源?


作为一个Prosumer,这个过程很简单. You select the minimum price you are willing to sell the excess energy your solar panels produce. The SolarShare platform will then attempt to match your criteria with others who want to buy/sell around the price range you have set. 如果找不到匹配,Senoko Energy将以预先约定的价格购买你的绿色属性.


1. 什么是点对点交易?


An offer to buy or sell is made (proposing a price) and sent to the other party through the designated email address(es) and they either accept or reject it. 在“购买”交易的情况下,消费者可以为其匹配的Prosumers设置优先级.

2. 什么是社区贸易?

Both Prosumers and Consumers can set their Community Trade prices – minimum sell price for Prosumers and maximum buy price for Consumers. SolarShare将匹配最高的买入价格和最低的卖出价格.

当每个Prosumer的输出能量被完全分配时, the next lowest sell price shall be assigned to Consumers until all the available Community energy pool is exhausted or there are no Consumers left offering a suitable price.

The price for all Community Trades in a trading period (30 mins) is the same for all Consumers and Prosumers in a community. 然而,交易价格会因时期而异.

3. 什么是未交易能源?

Untraded Energy occurs when meter/MSSL data received by SolarShare comes after the completed trade for the day.
让我们看看下面的属性. 当月进口和出口能源均有未交易金额.



在本例中,未交易的进口总额为13.当月为12千瓦时,未交易出口为4千瓦时.727千瓦时. 造成这种情况的原因是由于仪表数据到达较晚, 哪一个错过了每日交易, 从3月12日周日的图表中可以看出.


不,这不应该成为常态. 如上图所示,只有一天没有交易.

4. 我如何与我认识的人交易?



  1. 选择你是购买还是出售能源
  2. 确定你的销售交易点(我们大多数人只有一个)
  3. 设定价格
  4. 输入您想要交易的人的电子邮件地址
  5. 点击“提交”按钮
  6. SolarShare will then send a message to the other party to check if they want to accept your trade proposal


  1. 登录SolarShare平台
  2. Click on the notification red bell at the top right-hand corner of the screen and that will open a new screen as below:


  1. Click on the arrow next to the "Accept" button to choose the property and meter you will be trading from.
  2. 如果你不同意提议的交易, 你只须按“拒绝”按钮,便可拒绝该贸易建议.
  3. 当提议的交易被接受时, it appears in the list of agreed Peer-to-peer Trades and will take effect from the following 30 minutes interval upon offer acceptance.

When creating a new Peer-to-Peer Trade rule or changing anything about an existing Peer-to-Peer Trade rule for a property you manage, SolarShare将通过电子邮件通知您交易规则的链接.


5. 交易是否立即发生??

Prices can be set dynamically and will be taken into effect as fast as the very next 30-min interval.  

然而, the trade settlement details will be reflected on SolarShare only on the 10th business day after actual consumption. 这使我们能够最大限度地减少仪表调整误差.


6. 你怎么知道我产生的能量到达了买家手里? 或者我购买的能量来自某个特定的Prosumer?

由于电的性质,跟踪电能波是不可能的. 它就像一个巨大的湖泊,发电机提供能量,消费者从不同的地方汲取能量. 

SolarShare采用输入输出数据的可追溯性, 唯一匹配买家和卖家, 并通过交易算法防止双重销售. This means that the energy can be priced according to where it comes from every half hour of the day.

On the SolarShare platform, you can see a unique trade identifier code for every 30 min trade. 此交易的对手方将在其系统上看到完全相同的标识符, 并提供审计服务,以跟踪所有交易记录并证明其真实性.


7. 我的太阳能交易是否可以结转?

No. 每个交易间隔的交易是独立计算的.

No amount of energy you traded previously will affect the volume or price of your trade at any time interval. This provides both us and you with simplicity and clarity as it is easier to verify that the trades within a specific interval are executed correctly according to our formulas.

8. 我会收到能源交易的最新信息吗?

是的,SolarShare会让你知道每一步都发生了什么. You will receive an email confirmation after you execute the following actions on SolarShare:

  • 提出一项贸易规则 
  • 接受贸易规则提案 
  • 取消拟议的贸易规则 
  • 拒绝拟议的贸易规则 
9. 我对塞诺科有不止一个前提, 我可以在SolarShare平台上选择购买哪些场所的太阳能吗?


10. 注册SolarShare时是否需要额外的保证金?



1. 我如何收到付款或支付我的能源交易?

SolarShare平台计算您每月的净交易结果, 然后从您的Senoko能源账单中作为单行项目增加或减少.

2. 如何监控SolarShare Dashboard上产生的收益? 实时或每月? 我的工资是按月支付的吗?

Senoko gets your energy consumption up to nine business days after your date of consumption from the regulators.

We take one day to process the information and you will be able to see your matches in 10 business days. 消费者和消费者都将每月通过您的Senoko账单进行交易.

3. 我每月的Senoko电费帐单会在哪里反映我购买的太阳能?

消费者的账单, 它将在该法案的SolarShare部分下反映为“绿色属性”. 

4. Once I sign up with SolarShare, can I continue to sell my excess solar generation to SP Group?


与SolarShare, you can now determine a strike price for your solar energy which may potentially be higher than what SP Group is offering.


1. SolarShare如何帮助我们完成ESG报告?

SolarShare使用户能够清洁源, 可再生能源直接来自本地和/或进口太阳能用户, 如何减低第二类温室气体的排放.

超越能源来源, the platform provides traceability features that allows you to trace the origin of the energy you consume and quantify the carbon footprint reduced.

2. 我可以与SolarShare签约来抵消碳排放吗?

截至2023年9月, the Singapore government has not provided the framework and criteria for high quality carbon credits. 当监管机构有明确指示时,我们将更新这一信息. 

3. 我如何证明我购买的能源是绿色的?

Senoko Energy will register the Green Attributes to Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) as proof of green generation. These RECs will be sent to the Consumers once a year in March for their green purchases in the preceding year. 

4. Senoko能源如何确保在SolarShare上的交易是可信的?

在SolarShare系统中执行的每笔交易都是加密的, 每笔交易都有一个独特的交易识别码. The platform includes an audit service allowing regulators and auditors to be assured that the trade data is valid and untampered.


1. 如何在SolarShare平台上更改我的名字?
  • 使用当前的邮箱地址和密码登录SolarShare平台
  • 点击屏幕右上角的你的名字
  • 点击你的名字后下拉的“我的设置”按钮
  • 在相应的字段中填写您新的首选名和姓
  • 点击屏幕底部的“更新”按钮